For the last 10 years I have organised workshops and yoga retreats around Poland and abroad.

We travel around India each time for more then 3 weeks practising yoga and visiting unknown places.

If you would like to take a part in a workshop, yoga retreat or India trip you can find an information about coming events on facebook page


North - East India Trip, March 2020

This year we visited uknown Nagaland and Assam. On the way we were in Varanasi, Kolkata, Darjeling, Kalimpong, Kohima, Touphema, Jokou Valey and few more outstending places.


Workshop in Yogaguide Studio, June 2020


Two days retreat in Wielka Wieś, July 2020


Three days retreat in Wielka Wieś, October 2020


Arm Balance workshop in Bielsko Biała, October 2020